Key Question Cards For Children and Adolescents

I'm sure you are familiar with the situation when your children come home from school or kindergarten and you ask – “so, how was your day today?” And they answer: “okay” or “not okay”. Usually they don’t elaborate…
This is exactly why I created “Key Questions for Children and Adolescents”


The cards enable children to share their private world through an experiential game, without fear of criticism or “interrogation” by us the parents. The questions on the back of the cards help children stop their dynamic lives for a moment, ask questions and introspect as to what their best path may be, not a path of approval or one belonging to someone else… but their own path – the one they choose to embark on.
Our role as parents is to enable them to introspect, play, dream and wonder, and it is for us, the parents, to be there for them if they are in need of new ideas or explanations about life.
The deck is composed of 52 questions, each illustrated with colorful and original pictures from around the world which produce inspiration filled with color, life, new locations and different people. The miracle of creation at its finest.

Key Question Cards For Children and Adolescents


Key Question Cards For Children and Adolescents


בואו ניקח בעלות על חיינו, נתכנן את היום שלנו קדימה, נהרהר על היום של אתמול, נקדיש זמן לרצונות שלנו, נכתוב את הסיפור שלנו מחדש..

הורדו עכשיו את מחברת הבוקר ונהפוך את החלומות שלנו למציאות.

דילוג לתוכן